Monday, February 4, 2013

Are Vaccinations Healthy?

Many reports in the media are focusing on the number of children behind on their "scheduled" vaccinations or unvaccinated all together and the "potential dangers" posed to society.

JAMA Pediatrics published a new study looking at vaccination rates. They found that children who were undervaccinated because of parental choice had significantly lower utilization rates of the ED (emergency department visits) and outpatient settings—both overall and for specific acute illnesses—than children who were vaccinated on time.

The study indicates that many vaccinations are foregone due to parental concerns about vaccine linked autism and goes on to down play any possible connection. What the study does fail to site is the fact that the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has already awarded millions of dollars to families of children with autism where the court has verified that they were harmed by vaccines.

Once again I cannot stress strong enough, if you are truly concerned about health; know what you are putting into your and your children's bodies and potential effects.  Being healthy involves living a lifestyle of eating right, exercise, rest, proper spinal mechanics and mental relaxation, it does not come from a pill or a needle.

Just because it is backed by the Federal government, the Health Department and the pharmaceutical company does not mean it is safe or good for you. It seems that these entities may be the dangers to our society.
Yours for better health,
Dr. Heller

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