Friday, December 28, 2012

Multiple Vaccines Per Visit Increases Risk

A new study, published in Human and Experimental Toxicology analyzed more than 38,000 reports of infant hospitalizations and deaths following vaccinations. Researchers have found statistically significant correlations between the number of vaccine doses administered to infants and infant hospitalization and mortality rates: babies who receive the most vaccines tend to have higher (worse) hospitalization and death rates.

While each childhood vaccine has individually undergone clinical trials to assess safety, studies have not been conducted to determine the safety (or efficacy) of combining vaccines during a single physician visit as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) guidelines.

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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The "Hair of the Dog"

This season of holiday parties makes it easy to overindulge, especially during New Year's eve.  Many of us have heard numerous "old wives remedies" and "the hair of the dog that bit you", for those morning afters when imbibing may have gotten out of hand.  Some have even found a tried and true one for themselves.  While I can't advocate over indulgence and intoxification I know it can happen. 

Firstly if it does happen, be responsible and don't get behind the wheel of a vehicle.  It can be a quick, sad end to a festive evening.  Have a friend drive you or call a cab if available.

Secondly, if you are worried about waking up with a "crushing" hangover there are a few dos and don'ts from NewsMax Health to help tame the hangover beast.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

What a Pain in the Neck!

Headaches and neck pain image.Many people suffer from chronic neck pain. Some suffer from chronic lower back pain...and some, unfortunately, suffer from both! And...unfortunately, untreated neck pain can potentially cause far more damage than untreated back pain.

Neck pain can be experienced in two ways – as actual pain, like that caused by a disc problem, or as "pins and needles," numbness or weakness, making walking difficult, creating balance issues or neck stiffness. It may originate as a result of a whiplash injury due to an automobile accident, the aging process, stresses of everyday living, job-related repetitive movements, spinal tumor, compression of vertebrae, discs or nerves, or obesity.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Beating Holiday Stress

Stress management image.It's a stressful time of year. In addition to performing the duties associated with all of your other responsibilities, you have added responsibilities that the holidays require. Where are we celebrating? Who will be there? What do I have to do/bring? Is my shopping done? Do I have enough money for gifts? Will the children be happy? This time of year can really pack on the stress!

How do you deal with that kind of stress? should put some of the focus on yourself and do something you really enjoy this time of year.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What is Sciatica

Backaches and sciatica image.
Sciatica is actually a symptom of another ailment.

Many people who hear the term, "sciatica," think of a painful condition or ailment. Not so. Sciatica is actually only a symptom of a condition or ailment. Those who have experienced it describe it as pain that starts in the lower spine and radiates to the buttock and down into the back of the leg, from the thigh through the calf. The pain can range from mild to excruciating and may be accompanied by muscle weakness or numbness in the leg or a feeling of "pins and needles" in the toes or foot of the affected leg.

Read the Entire Article

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

5 Quick Tips for Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain and Related Back Pain
By: Sylvia Marten

The relationship between weight and chronic pain is well-established, with patients who are overweight or obese likely to suffer related back pain.

Of course, with Christmas just a week away, the holiday season is a time that many people put on a few extra pounds, which can be an issue of concern for not only chronic pain sufferers but pain-free individuals.

To better the chances of avoiding weight gain and related pain in the wake of Christmas parties and New Year’s celebrations, indulge in these helpful tips:

1. Exaggerate Just How Negative Those Appetizers Are
A recent study in the Journal of Consumer Research noted how playing a trick on the mind can help those people worried about weight gain avoid giving in to tempting food.

According to the study, consumers with strong dieting goals exaggerated the amount of calories in the complementary cookies, which were then considered detrimental to weight loss and avoided.

Now if you are concerned about what one or two handfuls of pigs in a blanket at your company Christmas party may do to your weight, simply overestimate how bad they are for you.

If these tactics do not work, make a concerted effort to moderate your intake of unhealthy holiday appetizers and other fattening foods.

2. Never Show Up to Christmas Parties Hungry
Whether attending holiday parties involving family, friends or coworkers, the number-one cardinal sin is showing up hungry, which may cause you to overcompensate and stuff your face with delicious but unhealthy food.

Rather, be sure to eat your normal three meals on the days of these big get-togethers. In fact, you may even want to have a healthy snack, such as fruit, prior to leaving for the party.

3. Avoid Calories, Including Too Much Alcohol
Avoiding foods that are high in calories is often a major goal of weight control.

Sorry to burst the bubble, but this means alcohol as well, with the average alcoholic drink containing
anywhere from 150-200 calories and just 2 or 3 drinks often equivalent to regular daily caloric intake levels.

If you can, limit the alcohol or wine and drink plenty of water. Furthermore, try to fill up on healthy foods like carrot sticks, celery and other fruits, without having to dip them into dips, which are often high in calories.

By filling up on healthy fruit and vegetable appetizers, you will be better prepared for a moderate meal at your holiday party than an all-you-can-eat (and drink) buffet.

4. Exercise Daily Rather Than Waiting for January 1st
A lot of people are resigned to the "fact" that they are going to gain weight during the holidays, and that there’s nothing they can do in the meantime.
Don’t fall into this trap!

If you exercise daily, try to boost your routines anywhere from 15-30 minutes extra during the holidays, which will allow you to compensate if you do tend to eat a little more than expected during this time of the year.

If you are not a regular exerciser, today’s a perfect time to start. There are plenty of activities that you can do, from walking around the block in the morning to running on a home or gym treadmill to engaging in simple stretching exercises.

Sure, your New Year’s resolution may involve getting more exercise to lose weight (and even reduce pain).

But if you're like most people, New Year’s resolutions are meant to be broken.

Why not put yourself ahead of the curve and start an exercise program before the New Year? Perhaps you’ll get into a groove and make exercising an everyday part of your life.

5. Resist Being a Taste Sampler
If you are cooking on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, avoid being a test taster.

Testing out how all sorts of food taste can throw off your normal diet, and leave you hungrier than usual.

In a similar light, simply attending holiday parties may leave you feeling as if you are a part-time food sampler.

To avoid this potential trap, take your mind off food by having some fun (after all, that’s what parties are meant for). Engage in riveting conservation with a coworker. Dance with your significant other. Play with your younger cousins, or nieces and nephews (trust me, they’ll keep you active and likely have plenty of new Christmas gifts to show you).

With all that said, best wishes to you and yours on a safe and healthy holiday season.

Enjoy the holiday season!

Dr. Heller 

Photo courtesy"
by Petr Kratochvil

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Better "Junk Food" Snacks

I don't know that I would say that their suggestions are "good for you", but these are definitely better choices if looking for a junk food fix.  As with any foods, moderation is the key.  Enjoy!

Dr. Heller

5 Junk Foods That Are Good for You

All junk foods have the reputation for being — well, junk — but some are actually good for you. Are there really junk foods you can eat without feeling guilty? Yes. Some foods that have been put under the "junk" label or "no-no's" for the health conscious deserve a second look. Keep reading as Newsmax Health searches out foods that you can enjoy tonight ... without guilt. 

Beef jerky. Although beef jerky has gotten it's "bad" food label due to preservatives, it's actually loaded with protein. As an added bonus, it won't raise insulin levels, making it an ideal snack. And while it's true that some beef jerky is loaded with both preservatives and salt, you can find all-natural versions that have no preservatives and less salt. You can even find brands made with grass-fed beef (instead of grain), which will give you a bonus of heart-healthy omega-3 fats.

Chocolate. Numerous studies have shown that dark chocolate (which contains at least 60 percent cocoa) is rich in antioxidants called flavonoids. German researchers found that eating only one square of dark chocolate a week lowered the risk of heart attack and stroke by 39 percent, and another study found that people who ate the equivalent of a small chocolate bar each week reduced their risk of dying following a stroke by 46 percent. Among other health benefits, chocolate has also been found to lower blood pressure, reduce stress, fight wrinkles, and boost mood. 

Popcorn. Popcorn, which is actually a whole-grain product, is packed with antioxidants called polyphenols. A study at the University of Scranton found that popcorn — based on the average American diet — has more antioxidants than most people eat in a day. Just avoid popcorn loaded with butter and other oils and choose air-popped corn, which has only 30 calories a cup. "Popcorn may be the perfect snack food," said Joe Vinson, a chemist at the University of Scranton. “It’s the only snack that is 100 percent whole grain.” 

Beer. An Italian analysis of 16 studies found that people who drank about a pint of beer daily reduced their risk of heart disease by 31 percent. Also, beer is high in silicone, which helps prevent bone loss and may even help rebuild bones in younger men and women. Researchers at Tufts University found that beer drinkers had a higher bone density than those who didn't drink. Warning: Don't tuck into a six-pack. Both studies found that people who overindulged increased their risk of both heart disease and bone loss. 

Chips. Baked chips, whether potato or corn, don't have any added oil and are often made from whole grains, which are great for heart health. They also often contain added spices, which zap up the taste and are also great for your health. Baked potato chips are good sources of potassium and vitamin C, and corn chips contain phosphorus, manganese, vitamin B6, and vitamin E.  Monday, August 27, 2012 4:25 PM

Squash: for your health

Pumpkins and squash dishes are not just for family, holiday dinners anymore. 

New studies indicate that squash could be an important part of your healthy diet as reported in a UPI release.

“Squash includes both winter and summer varieties, some examples include, zucchini from the summer and butternut, buttercup, acorn, pumpkin and kabocha from winter,” Phil Lempert, a food industry analyst, trend watcher and creator of, said in a statement.

Although squash is mostly starchy carbohydrates, studies show it also has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties.  Squash is classified as a fruit, but many consider it a vegetable for cooking/meal purposes.  

Squash contains vitamin C, potassium, fiber, manganese and folate, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins and copper.   Sqaush also contains carotenoids, including lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-cryptoxanthin, which give many squash its signature orange color and are good for eye health.

Even though it taste best in a pie with whipped topping or ice cream, for full health benefits you might consider baked squash, or sautéed or diced squash on a salad through the rest of the year.

For your better health,
Dr. Heller 

Image courtesy of nuchylee /

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Beware of Soda Consumption

According to the National Soft Drink Association (NSDA), consumption of soft drinks is now over 600 12-ounce servings (12 oz.) per person per year. Since the late 1970`s the soft drink consumption in the United States has doubled for females and tripled for males. The group with highest consumption is males between the ages of 12 - 29; they average 1/2 gallon a day or 160 gallons a year.

 Doctors, nutritionists and health clinics urge us to take control of our soft drink consumption to improve our health. It is highly recommended that each of us drink 6-8 glasses of water each day to keep your body well hydrated. Proper hydration of internal organs enables them to function properly, removing waste and toxins from the body. Hydration of the skin keeps it with good elasticity and will help keep you looking younger longer. Water is the best way to quench your thirst and keeping your body healthy.

 The graphic below shows the numerous negative impacts of soft drinks on the body.  If you have difficulty reading the graphic simply hold down the "ctrl" key and tap the "+" key" to zoom in.

Harmful Soda

Gluten Free Living

It seems that every year I learn of more people with Celiac disease also know as gluten enteropathy or gluten intolerance.  If you have difficulty tolerating gluten, you may experience chronic diarrhea, bloating in your abdomen, consistent weight loss, pain in your bones or a feeling of weakness.

A gluten-free diet is essential for people with Celiac disease, whose small intestine becomes inflamed after eating gluten containing food. It is believed that one in 133 Americans have Celiac disease.   I personally feel that the rise in occurrence of this condition is due to the repeated assault of our body's systems.  The indiscriminate use of antibiotics, the presence of hormones and pesticides in our food supply, the exposure to genetically modified foodstuffs among others.

Your doctor may suggest a gluten-free diet if you demonstrate that you have intolerance to gluten, or if your immune system reacts when you eat foods containing gluten.  A gluten free diet is not without its challenges since the major culprit is wheat products.  Wheat flour is found in the vast majority of our foods.  Read packaging labels, it is a real eye opener.

So what can you do if your doctor has told you or you just suspect that maybe you might have gluten intolerance?  This brief article gives some simple, basic suggestions to Going Gluten Free.

Until later!

For your better health,

Dr. Heller

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Chiropractic and Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence May Improve
With Chiropractic Care

81% of chiropractic case showed improvement
Comparatively, 50% improved with pharmacological trials.  

Urinary incontinence (UI), occurs when there is leakage of urine that is involuntarily. It affects 4 of 10 women and 1 of 10 men during their lifetime, and about 17% of children younger than 15 years.

In a survey of 2,500 women aged 55–95, 64% reported that urinary incontinence was of great concern to them, but only 25% perceived that it was being adequately addressed by their healthcare providers. Urinary incontinence was associated with poor quality of life, poor self-rated health, social isolation, depressive symptoms, decline in instrumental activities of daily living and out-of-pocket expenses. The majority of older women with urinary incontinence remain under-treated. 

Based upon the prevalence of urinary incontinence in our population and the conclusion that the vast majority of the population is being under treated, the public must take an honest look at treatment choices.
In this study of 21 patients, that were followed for 6 years; in 48% of the case, the UI symptoms resolved totally, another 33% considerably improved and a further 19% slightly improved. That equates to 81% of the case studies showing improvement with urinary incontinence with chiropractic care. Comparatively, the authors reported that only 50% improved with pharmacological (drug) trials.  

Chiropractic, based upon the study results shouldn't be considered an alternative choice, but the first line of care with no side effects to consider from medications.

Contact our office for more information.  

For your better health!

Dr. Heller

Full article can be found at:


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How Safe Is Your Elderly Family or Friend On The Road

Being independent is one of the greatest joys for the elderly.  Being able to drive an automobile to get out in the community gives one a great sense of independence.  We must realize though that there will most likely come a time when an individual's health and ability makes their time behind the wheel hazardous not only to themselves but those they share the roadways with.  Statistics show that older drivers are more likely than younger ones to be involved in crashes, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

The site,,  can give you some tips on what to watch for with elderly family, neighbors and friends that may indicate that they should no longer be driving.  The site also gives some suggestions on how to approach and address an elder who's driving habits may be hazardous.

Stay safe,

Dr. Heller

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Your Blood Type Can Affect Your Heart Health.

A 2011 study from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston published in the American Heart Association journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology found that people who have blood types A, B, or AB have a slightly higher risk of heart disease compared to those with type O, the most common kind.  The new study involved about 90,000 men and women in two observational health studies that cover more than 20 years.

The increased risk for type A was 8 percent; type B, 11 percent; and type AB, 20 percent.

Those who know they are at higher risk may be more motivated to make changes to lower their chances of heart disease, said Dr. Lu Qi, senior author of the study.  "We cannot change blood type but we can change lifestyle," said Qi, who led a study released last year that showed blood type may affect stroke risk.

No matter what blood type, Harvard's Qi said everyone should pay attention to risk factors they can change, including smoking, weight, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and a sedentary lifestyle.

Diet and exercise are extremely helpful in maintaining cardiovascular health.  Both can help maintain a healthy weight.  A diet high in antioxidants can also lend an extra protective level with its inflammatory fighting capabilities. There are many things you can do to promote longevity.

Another often overlooked or even unconsidered factor in heart health is posture

Probably the most common postural problem we find in American society is the Forward Head Posture.  This is simply where the head is carried forward on the shoulders as determined by a "plumb line" that runs through the ear to the shoulder.  Not only is it the most common but probably also the most detrimental.

Forward head posture results in loss of vital capacity of the lungs. Lung capacity is depleted by as much as 30%.  This shortness of breath can then lead to heart and blood vascular disease.

Even without pain, spinal postural problems can cause health issues down the road.  Just as we get preventative checkups at the dentist and eye doctor it is wise to have periodic spinal postural checkups with your doctor of chiropractic.

Acetaminophen Now #1 Cause of Liver Failure

Acetaminophen is a readily available over the counter (OTC) drug that has been recommended regularly for pain relief and fever reduction. It is the most common drug ingredient in America.  It has been shown that it can be used fairly safely, when taken at the recommended dosage.  For adults and children 12 years of age and older, the recommended dose of acetaminophen is 650 to 1000 mg every 4 to 6 hours, not to exceed 4000 mg in 24 hours.  For children under 12 years of age, the recommended dose of acetaminophen is 10 to 15 mg/kg every 4 to 6 hours, not to exceed five doses (50-75 mg/kg) in 24 hours.  If you start to take more than one product for pain and/or fever, you may want to read the labels.

Acetaminophen is marketed under the brand names: Acephen, Actamin, Feverall, Q-Pap, Tactinal, Tempra, Tylenol, Uniserts, Vitapap, as well as being found in more than 600 different over-the-counter and prescription medicines.  You may also find it listed under other generic names such as APAP, N-acetyl-para-aminophenol, Paracetamol.
Acetaminophen is found in so many pain relieving formulas.  Combining those products can lead to over dose which can lead to liver damage and liver failure. 

Be safe, be healthy and see you chiropractor for those aches and pains to avoid inadvertently injuring yourself with unnecessary medications.

For Your Health,
    Dr. Heller

Health: Its a Healing Thing

It can be difficult for individuals to understand why their recovery under chiropractic may require multiple visits over time.  They are used to going to the medical doctor and receiving a pill or an injection to combat the symptoms.  Very few prescription medications are intended to address the truly causative situation.  Even antibiotics, though they squelch the reproduction of illness causing bacteria, do not address the reason that the body has allowed the infecting agent to get a foot hold in the system in the first place.

Chiropractic care is aimed at correcting the underlying problem causing the decreased function of the body's systems which is causing the symptom(s).   It looks at the body as a whole; a group of systems that must work together in optimal function to maintain a healthy body.  This correction often times will require a period of healing,  like any healing process this simply takes time with the healing and return of improved function better.  True healing comes from within and can yield longer lasting improvements, better vitality and quality of life.

The chart below gives other examples of how organized medicine and chiropractic health care see the aspects of health care.

Store Wars - Video Humor

As a Doctor of Chiropractic I have an interest in overall health and wellness which means taking into consideration daily nutrition.  Although I do push "organic only" in my practice I do encourage my clientele to eat as wholesome of product as possible.

I wanted to share a little parody on the state of our food supply with you.  So I give you "STORE WARS"