Monday, November 25, 2019

Your Posture and Your Health

Your Posture and Your Health

Why is posture such a big deal to our health? It’s the missing ingredient that has long been ignored in our health care system.

Numerous studies over the past decade have shown posture to have an immense impact on our body’s
function and overall health. Postural changes due to the bones out of position create body and joint pains, nerve problems, decrease our breathing efficiency, our digestion, our circulation; and it can even affect hormonal production in the body.

Ideal Posture

Ideal posture is a balanced posture.  While standing, breathing in and out letting your body relax into a slump (don't push them just let them relax), your body should not fall forward at the head, the shoulders or the hips. Your body should stay upright with almost no effort.  Balanced, “ideal” posture
as viewed from  the side is described as a line drawn from the top down passing through the ear canal, the center of the shoulder, the center of the hip joint, the center of the knee and just in front of the ankle joint.  Any movement of these parts of the body away from this balance line leads to harmful changes in the structure and function of the body.

You probably think that poor posture and the bent over look in the elderly is due to old age. If that were true, all young people would have ideal, upright posture. Look around you, this is not so. This “humped” posture is due to the body’s compensations for the misalignments which it cannot correct. By correcting the body’s problems with ABC™, our patients find that their posture improves as well as their breathing and energy levels. So don’t let your body make you grow old any faster than necessary.

With ABC™ correcting your body structure, Not only will you feel better, healthier and younger, you will literally find yourself able to do physical activities you have not been able to do in decades — that is not just hype, it is what all our clients, young and old, tell us.

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