There are no randomized control trials that have shown opioids to improve function, and there is an overriding national public health concern regarding widespread abuse and misuse of these drugs. The list below are the most common ones prescribed:
Fiorional with Codeine Robitussin A-C Tylenol with Codeine
Empirin with Codeine Roxanol Duramorph
Demerol Actiq Duragesic
Sublimaze OxyContin Percodan
Percocet Tylox Dilaudid
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As primary care professionals for spinal health and well-being, doctors of chiropractic – who receive a minimum of seven years of higher education – are specifically trained to diagnose, evaluate and provide non-pharmaceutical care and rehabilitation to individuals suffering from acute and chronic back, low back and neck pain, headaches, neuro-musculoskeletal and other related conditions.
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